I just don't get it. They post this, but then do nothing about violent TROLL attacks, profiles posting teen pix, and then fake profiles pretending to be teens. This site is getting fucking creepy. None of us come here for any weird shit. We all report anything we see that is wrong, and then it gets ignored by the ADMINS. I really don't know if I want to be here anymore.
Why aren't the TROLLS being considered Stalkers? Because that is what they are and what they are doing. They are attacking a specific group of us on an almost daily basis.
So, you're jumping on the bandwagon huh? For any pornstars looking to this shit site for help, look elsewhere. This is just a cheap publicity stunt. They refuse to look after their own users. Alez Hawkins is just as bad as those scum bags who enabled Harvey Weinstein.
Why aren't the TROLLS being considered Stalkers? Because that is what they are and what they are doing. They are attacking a specific group of us on an almost daily basis.
"If we're not part of the solution, we're part of the problem"
Mr Hawkins sir, you would not believe how correct you are!
So, you're jumping on the bandwagon huh? For any pornstars looking to this shit site for help, look elsewhere. This is just a cheap publicity stunt. They refuse to look after their own users. Alez Hawkins is just as bad as those scum bags who enabled Harvey Weinstein.
Fuck Xhamster!